Cancel Rx Request Panel Pharmacy Response Panel View Order OK Cancel

Cancel Rx Requests Received through PrescribeIT®

A Cancel Rx Request is a transaction sent by the prescriber through PrescribeIT® to cancel a previous New Rx Request. It is best practice to process a Cancel Rx Request as soon as it is received.

Processing a Cancel Rx Request

To process a Cancel Rx Request:

  1. From the WorkbenchData Entry queue, select a Cancel Rx Request. These are identified by Cancel Rx Request displaying in the Request column.

  2. Select Process. The Cancel Rx Request window appears.

    To learn more about the Cancel Rx Request window, see Cancel Rx Request Window Overview below.

  3. Select the appropriate Pharmacy Response:

    • Approved

    • Revoked

    • Denied

    The available Pharmacy Response are based on the status of the prescription. For more information, see Cancel Rx Request Window Overview below.

  4. If required, enter additional notes in the Note field. These notes will be sent to the prescriber.

  5. Select OK.

When a Cancel Rx Request is received for a PrescribeIT® transaction that has not been processed (i.e. it is still in Data Entry), Propel Rx will automatically void the order and will automatically send an Approved response.